
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Domestic Violence Awareness Month!

Domestic Violence Awareness Month is a time to remind our country of the hidden acts of violence many women, children and men face daily in their homes; a place they once associated with comfort & love. Wearing a purple ribbon is an easy way to show your support to end domestic violence. Although purple is a symbol of pain and suffering that reminds us of the bruises many people have sustained at the hands of their abusers, purple is also a symbol of hope for those affected by domestic violence. People wearing purple ribbons let victims know someone cares about them, and they want to help end domestic violence. Wearing your purple ribbon in public not only raises awareness, but also inspires more people to get involved.

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behaviors used to establish power and control over an intimate partner often leading to the threat or use of violence. Abuse is any controlling, hurtful act, word, or gesture that injures another's body or emotions. Domestic violence is not a disagreement, a marital spat, or an anger management problem. There is no excuse for domestic violence.

You may be in an emotionally abusive relationship if your partner:

-Calls you names, insults you or continually criticizes you.

-Does not trust you and acts jealous or possessive. -Tries to isolate you from family or friends.

-Monitors where you go, who you call and who you spend time with.

-Prevents you from getting a job or learning English.

-Threatens to have you departed.

-Controls finances or refuses to share money.

-Punishes you by withholding affection.

-Expects you to ask permission.

-Threatens to hurt you, the children, your family or your pets.

-Humiliates you in any way.

link to this film!!!

You may be in a physically abusive relationship if your partner has ever:

-Damaged property when angry (thrown objects, punched walls, kicked doors, etc.).

-Pushed, slapped, bitten, kicked or choked you.

-Abandoned you in a dangerous or unfamiliar place.

-Scared you by driving recklessly.

-Used a weapon to threaten or hurt you.

-Forced you to leave your home.

-Trapped you in your home or kept you from leaving.

-Prevented you from calling police or seeking medical attention.

-Hurt your children.

-Used physical force in sexual situations.

Are you in an abusive relationship? Consider the following:

Does your partner:

-Act extremely jealous of others who pay attention to you, or use jealousy to justify his/her actions?

-Control your finances, behavior and even whom you socialize with? -Threaten to kill you or commit suicide?

-Make you afraid by using looks, actions, and gestures like smashing things, destroying your property or displaying weapons?

-Make all the decisions?

-Stop you from seeing or talking to friends, family or limits your outside involvement?

-Act like the abuse is no big deal; it's your fault or even denies doing it?

-Threatens to kill your pets?

-Puts you down in front of other people, humiliates you, plays mind games and makes you feel as if you are crazy? -Prevents you from getting or keeping a job?

-Takes your money or does not let you know about or have access to the family income?

-Blame drugs or alcohol for his violent behavior?

-Threatens to take the children away?

Do you:

-Become quiet when he/she is around and feel afraid of making him/her angry?

-Cancel plans at the last minute?

-Stop seeing your friends and family members, becoming more and more isolated?

-Find yourself explaining bruises to family or friends?

-If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be involved in a relationship that is physically, emotionally or sexually abusive.